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    This is the movie of the year so far and if you haven’t seen it, don’t worry, they don’t need your money anyway! At the time of this entry, Marvel’s “The Avengers” has remained #1 at the box office for 3 weeks running and is speculated to have earned over 1 billion dollars world wide.

    If you were like me, you have been anticipating this film since Tony Stark’s character appeared at the end of the “Incredible Hulk” movie, released in 2008. And man, did this one deliver on every angle and detail.

    From action to drama and levity, this movie has something for everyone to enjoy and I think that it does well enough that you don’t need to have seen any of the previous films to really get into the film and the characters.

    There has been some controversy about creator’s rights, more specifically about the Kirby estate leaving some,who denounce the treatment of Kirby by Marvel, to boycott the film and all that it stands for. While I agree with what protestors have to say morally and professionally on most points, the child in men could not stay away from all of the bravado and promise of brilliantly entertaining 2½ hours of pure Superhero AWESOME!

    This is an achievement that Marvel has produced on it’s own steam as far as I’m concerned as the wheels where already in motion on the culmination of their Superhero franchise films way before Disney scooped them up for a meager 4.4 billion dollars in late 2010. Kudos to you Marvel and even more so for making a boys dream come true!

    More pleased than the overall success of the film is the popular response to the characterization of the Hulk! This is the 3 incarnation of the Hulk in a major motion picture and after the last film, I was certain that Marvel would not take another chance on the character. Yet reports from around the web and from Marvel themselves is that they would  be open to the idea of getting the character back into theaters for another try as the characters beloved performance has in the Avengers has given them a new formula to treat him to! I can only hope that the fires stay lit for another Hulk movie as they begin preparation of the next Avengers film.

    And can enough be said about Joss Whedon’s execution of this movie? Of course not. Brilliant is the only word that comes to mind when recounting all of the elements that I enjoyed about this film. Joss has been a superstar contender since making Buffy the Vampire Slayer a television success but now can he be elevated to Cinema God, placed along side Spielberg, Lucas and who ever else you can think of? I think  . . . yes.

    My hat’s off to Marvel as the new generation of Superhero movies and now been cemented in stone with a formula that all other films that come after it will be honored to look up to.


    I love this movie, seen it three times…. and when the HULK sucker punches THOR, …..PRICELESS!!


    Yup, I saw it 3 times myself! Great stufff and I’m looking forward to it onn Blue-Ray! I think that perhaps the greatest gift of this film is that it’s gotten Time Warner to get off their ass and announce a Justice League Movie. 

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by E.J..
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