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    Written by: Rob Liefeld
    Scripted by: Mark Poulton
    Pencilled by: Joe Bennett
    Inked by: Art ThibertCover Color by:
    Mathew Yackey
    Color/B&W: Color
    Page Count: 32
    U.S. Price: 2.99

    • Welcome the new creative team of ROB LIEFELD, MARK POULTON, JOE BENNETT and ART THIBERT!• Introducing the evil XERXES!• It’s HAWKMAN the savage warrior – as you’ve never seen him before!


    So I bought the first couple of issue of this series when the relaunch was fresh as I have to say that I’m not really a Hawkman kind of guy. He’s always been too barbarian for me to be a superhero in the vein of Superman or Wonder Woman. Though I was a big fan of the Thangarian Alien Hawkman of the early 90’s, in my early collecting years,with the metal wings and the suit. It was nice that they had the two sort of co-existing in the DCU which was cool too.
    This issue is ensconced with intrigue surrounding the  Nth Metal that comprises Hawkman’s armor. Carter Hall (Hawkman) mentions that he’s dedicated to finding out the secret of the Nth Metal and he spends a great deal of time fending off assailants who want it.
    There’s a cool little cameo appearance of Deathstroke towards the middle of the book that is really cool, uniting the characters for an instant that Liefeld is breathing new life into, also Deathstrke was the book that Bennett was last illustrating for DC. I’ll have to look through the book again to see if I can catch  a glimpse of Grifter somewhere in the pages that I may have missed.
    If there’s one thing that Liefeld excels at, it’s creating characters. This book introduces two  new villains to the DCU, Ironsisde and Xerxes, both are a couple of real cool lookin’ dudes with armor that has an hint of Kirby with an accent of Tron, who give Hawkman a run fir his money (or his Nth Metal as it were)!


    The introduction of  new villains is always something cool for me to experience in comics because as characters develop and get better, they’ll need greater challenges to test their metal (no punintended). The costume design is pretty cool  the way that Bennett executes the armor is very impressive, that combined with stunning colors, Hawkman looks like an angelic warrior conquistador old time Latin Gladiator which is fitting since the end of the issue sets in a pit ready to demonstrate the power of the Nth Metal to the highest bidder.
    Something else that was cool to see was Hawkman using his wings as offensive weapons in the first fight as he launched his attacker into the top of a van.

    THE BAD:

    This is just a personal preference.While a multitude of potential assailants stated that Carter was not worthy of the Nth Metal, I feel that he was taken down too easily. Ironside was the second to assault him and it was with relative ease that Hawkman was defeated. I’m getting the sense that he’s new to the game but still, I would have like to gage the power of Xerxes  against a taxed Hawkman but I’m sure that this battle is on the docket for a later issue.


    This is a solid book with a strong handle on the future of the series. I’m just as anxious to find out about the Nth Metal as the cast is so I’m hoping that the answers are close. And I’m very interested in what Xerxes is all about in a fight for his life.

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by E.J..
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