WOW I don’t think that I’ll ever get it. But sometimes there’s a little fun to be had when working on a drawing. There are some good elements of this one and some bad ones but in the end, I don’t think that I’ll ever get it. Composition, form, character relationships, proportions, environment . . . all of this escapes me but in the end I think that there’s something fun to look at here.
There’s a comic book kindred spirit at my new job and I’m constantly bothering him about work related nonsense all day long, every day. So one day I noticed a Deadpool lock screen on his iPhone 6 Plus and we got to talking about comics briefly. He mentioned a couple of characters that appear on this piece, so as a thank you for all of his help I thought that I would share my con book with him as well as whip up this little disaster.
So here’s to Dave, may wealth, health, and good fortune ever be in his favor!